Lest I be accused of knee-jerk racism, let me first say that I was initially sympathetic with Ahmed Mohamed, after seeing the mainstream TV news version of the story. We all know that schools will call the cops and suspend kids over practically nothing, such as nibbling a pop tart into a vaguely gun-like shape and other equally nefarious deeds. I figured some brainless cat-lady teacher wet herself and called the cops at the sight of a box with wires in it, giving the kid no chance to explain himself or his invention. I've seen it happen myself in similar circumstances, one of them involving a catalog with knives in it over which the state police were called, so naturally it's what I assumed happened here.
Of course, if your name is Ahmed Mohamed or something similar you should probably know enough to expect some nervous reactions when you show up with something that looks like this,
but it seemed reasonable to chalk the incident up to a massive overreaction by the school.
Except that it didn't exactly happen that way.
One thing that really irritates me about this story is the nature of Mohamed's "invention." He claims to have made it to impress his engineering teacher, and has since had praise heaped upon him in surreal fashion by the President of the United States, and MIT astrophysicist Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, who told him, "You are the kind of student that we want at places like MIT and Harvard." But he either does not know what the word "invention" means, or is deliberately abusing the term. He has not invented anything. He has not even built a clock. What he actually did was take apart an alarm clock and put its internal parts loosely into a box. It may seem like I am being a bit harsh considering that he is fourteen years old, but the level of praise being gushed all over him for his alleged scientific prowess is ridiculous. If he had actually put together some electronics components and made a functional clock, it would have been somewhat impressive. But he literally took apart a clock, and put its guts in a box, repeatedly referring to the mess as "my invention". A box of wires and doodads that any sane person would be nervous to see in the hands of a Muslim.
A closer examination of his behavior reveals that he may have had motivations other than impressing his engineering teacher, who looked at it and wisely advised him to keep it hidden. The incident began in Mohamed's English class, where, as is explained in
the video posted below, he apparently plugged the device into an outlet
and set the alarm clock to go off in the middle of class. Not a smart
move, if he intended to keep a low profile. There is also the fact that
he chose to do this on the first school day after the anniversary of
9-11. He has changed some details of his story, and when confronted by his English teacher and then the police, he refused to adequately explain himself or the device, simply insisting "It's a clock," with no further explanation. When being interrogated, he never mentioned the engineering teacher, who might have vouched for him.
He was suspended for bringing a hoax bomb to school. In light of the relevant evidence, this does not seem unreasonable, possibly even lenient. Despite his protestations and claims of innocent motivations, his actions seem to have been deliberately calculated to generate an incident. This looks very much like a premeditated act of disruption, intended to generate backlash against perceived "Islamophobia."
Stephan Molyneux presents evidence that this may have been a publicity stunt on behalf of Mohamed's father, who apparently nurtures delusions of being a great religious leader. This, coupled with the public outpouring of sympathy, national attention, endless praise, and thousands of dollars in donations that Ahmed Mohamed has received, leads me to believe that he is in fact a little shit who got exactly the reaction that he wanted from his school. Moly once again dons his Shitlord hat and lays it out in full detail in this video, pointing out the asinine, race-baiting narrative being spun, with no libertardian commentary to speak of: